Start on: 10/01/2022
You just joined the FoxyLiner Accelerator.

This program is designed to get your eyeliner skills to the next level.

Here is what to expect:
  • The start date is 10/01/2022
  • Access to the training lessons will be sent to your email on the start date.
  • Also, before the launch date, we will send you more information to help you prepare for what is coming your way.
  • If you have any questions, you can message us on Instagram or via email.
  • You should get the receipt for the purchase in the next 5 minutes. Don't forget to use it as a deduction for your taxes ;)

P.S: We are excited for you and for the upcoming program.

5 Star Academy Team
Start on: 10/01/2022
If you have any questions,
Contact us on Social Media